User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?

User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?

Convincing people to use security products is a challenge.  Employees are often reluctant to change their working practices, especially if it involves any kind of inconvenience. So when you have successfully built the business case, found the product, got budget approval, procured the product and rolled it out to end users – then what? How can you ensure that the product is being used, and can you demonstrate business value, or return on investment?  With security products this is notoriously difficult because if the product is successful at diverting a threat, then there may be no obvious outcome or benefit to the end user.

With this in mind we’re going to be revisiting customer successes that we think will help our clients achieve maximum benefit from their investment in Armour technology.

Secure Note to Self – Provide a great user experience

Evidence shows that the most enthusiastic adoption of Armour Mobile and SigNet by Armour is where it solves a compelling business problem, as well as providing better security. The product must be easy and pleasant to use, and users need to see immediately how it makes their lives easier.

By talking to our many clients about how they are using our products on the ground, we have learnt about some surprising real-world benefits.  For example, SigNet has an extremely useful Note to Self capability – something that once users discover they absolutely love. No more sticky notes, or emails to self, just a voice memo that is completely secure and cannot be eavesdropped or overheard by anyone other than the intended recipient that goes to devices linked to the same account.

Cyber Essentials Plus and BYOD don’t mix – or can they?

Another point worth keeping in mind, if your organisation is planning to undertake Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, then employees’ unmanaged personal devices (i.e. BYOD) cannot be used to access corporate information, including email.  Employees are generally highly resistant to Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions on their personal devices, however, by using Armour Mobile all corporate information shared using the app is completely isolated from the rest of the device.  This makes Armour Mobile an extremely viable alternative to MDM which employees are more than happy to use as it does not interfere with their personal apps, while protecting business information. The same device can be used for both personal and business communications. For more information about this read our blog:

In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be sharing different scenarios where our customers have achieved sometimes unexpected benefits from different use cases.  In the meantime, if you have a business problem, get in touch and it may be that someone else has already faced that same issue, and we have the solution ready and waiting.

  • User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?
  • User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?
  • User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?
  • User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?
  • User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?
  • User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?
  • User Success – Are you making the most of Armour technology?