Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications

Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications

What the Enterprise needs to know (and why consumer-grade apps don’t cut the mustard)

Why is scalability so important for secure comms?

Scalability means different things to different people.  Here’s what Gartner says…

Scalability is the measure of a system’s ability to increase or decrease in performance and cost in response to changes in application and system processing demands. Examples would include how well a hardware system performs when the number of users is increased, how well a database withstands growing numbers of queries, or how well an operating system performs on different classes of hardware. Enterprises that are growing rapidly should pay special attention to scalability when evaluating hardware and software.”    

When it comes to secure communications and protecting the organisation’s sensitive data, scalability is a critical issue, thought not necessarily in the way that you might at first think.

Consumer-grade apps are NOT securely scalable

While consumer-grade apps are often used by many millions of people for personal communications, in an enterprise setting these apps do not have the security features required to make them suitable for business use and, ironically, the huge scale of their use massively increases their vulnerability and threat ‘perimeter’.

There are secure alternatives that are able to deliver an equally pleasing user experience while also providing the enterprise requirements for protecting data. The important thing for all organisations is that technology never gets in the way of doing business, it enhances it.

Deciding which app to use – a key criteria

When it comes to securing your important business conversations and deciding which app to use, scalability should be top of your selection criteria. Being able to deploy and manage a secure comms app at scale, quickly and easily brings a whole host of benefits:

  • More widely adopted by the user base which immediately improves security
  • Enhanced enterprise features mean fewer IT resource overheads
  • Control of allow lists/third parties/partners protects users against phishing & deep fake attacks
  • Bolt on value-added options such as
    • Audit and Archive
    • Secure Conferencing

Read our latest White Paper

For more information about the benefits of Enterprise Secure Comms and the importance of scalability, download our white paper: Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications – What the Enterprise needs to know (and why consumer-grade apps don’t cut the mustard) here:


  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications
  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications
  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications
  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications
  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications
  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications
  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications
  • Scalability and Secure Mobile Communications