Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System

Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System

Secure central management of mobile communications on BYOD devices, without the need for Mobile Device Management (MDM).

The new Configuration Management System (CMS) is now available for Armour Mobile. This latest upgrade includes a whole host of powerful features to enable the central management of data held within Armour Mobile on remote devices, significantly reducing the data security risk from the use of BYOD smartphones and tablets.

Stay in control of sensitive data, even on remote unmanaged devices

Armour Mobile CMS provides authorised administrators with complete control over data held within the Armour ecosystem on remote devices. This means that the end user can continue to use their phone as they would normally, while all sensitive communications are safely stored within the application’s ‘container’. Data held in the Armour container can only be accessed by the end user via the Armour Mobile app (i.e. it is not accessible to other applications, such as the device’s photo gallery).

Configurations set centrally can be made visible to end-users, i.e. they can see the settings, or, invisible, where end-users are not specifically aware of settings and limitations made.  Some limits may optionally be editable by the end user, but only where the user chooses to further increase the security limits.  Armour Mobile CMS can remove the need for a Mobile Device Management solution (which users are often reluctant to agree to for their own personal devices), because CMS performs some of the functions of a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution such as being able to wipe data remotely from the device.  All information shared via Armour Mobile is kept within the Armour ecosystem which guards against data leakage whether accidental, or otherwise.

In addition, new enhanced security controls include:

Message Retention Limit

This sets a time limit for messages being retained on a device. Once the time limit is reached messages, and any attachments relating to a message, are automatically deleted. This integrates with Armour Mobile’s feature, and is a further aid to secure data management. The limit can be set centrally by an administrator, or by the end-user. If the limit is set centrally, the user may set a shorter time limit, but may not override with a longer time limit. In addition, the time limit may be adjusted dynamically should the device move into a higher threat area, for example, leaving the corporate network environment, working on an unknown and/or untrusted network/wifi, or visiting an unfriendly or hostile regime.

Remote Wipe

An administrator can remotely wipe all data held in the Armour app without needing to physically access a device.  This protects against sensitive data being accessed should a device be lost or  stolen, or when an employee leaves the organisation, and provides a more proactive way to ensure data is wiped, even if a device is deliberated kept offline.

Central Copy and Paste Control Policy

Copy and Paste policy for the Armour Mobile app can be controlled centrally.  The administrator can set copy and paste to be enabled or disabled, and as mentioned earlier, this policy can either be visible or invisible to end-users, and/or editable, but only to make the data handling more secure, not less so.   Depending on the setting selected this prevents information from a secure message potentially being copied into an app outside of the Armour Mobile platform, and therefore, into a less secure environment. This feature helps to ensure the integrity and security of data, to help avoid data leakage.

These new central management features enable organisations to take tighter control of secure communications and the sensitive information that they may contain.  It helps CISOs and compliance departments  to automate security with a series of centrally managed features without having to rely on the weakest link in the security chain – the end-user.  Meanwhile, the end-user can continue to use their devices, either BYOD or company-issued, as they would normally, with no interference to their usability or requirement to change working practices.

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  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System
  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System
  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System
  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System
  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System
  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System
  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System
  • Now Shipping – Armour Mobile Configuration Management System