We’ve moved down river!

We’ve moved down river!

New year, new office.

While everyone else was still coming to terms with a New Year, we at Armour have moved down river to splendid new offices in Aldgate. At time of writing everyone is now safely ensconced, with their own desks and pot plants installed, and we all just about know where the coffee machine is.

Strong Revenues and Growth

The move comes at the end of another great year for Armour where our revenue and profits continued to do well year-on-year. We continued to roll out new use cases for several of our significant customers (you know who you are), and we are developing relationships with a number of key alliance partners. Our ranks have been swelled with several new hires across the business covering development and support, and we welcomed our new VP of Sales and Marketing, industry veteran, Richard Brooks.

Impersonation-based and DeepFake threats

We are seeing a step change in the market for secure communications as security conscious organisations realise the risks of impersonation-based attacks, and deepfakes, which are only going to become more believable and more dangerous thanks to AI. The recent deepfake message purporting to be Joe Biden urging voters not to cast their ballots in the New Hampshire Democratic primary is a graphic example: https://time.com/6565446/biden-deepfake-audio/  

Our technology is already poised to help organisations overcome some of these risks. The benefits of identity-based authentication (in our case, the NCSC’s MIKEY-SAKKE protocol) where users must authenticate before they can join a call, send a message or join a video conference, are finally becoming more widely understood and demand for them is clearly growing.

Continued focus on R&D

2023 saw a focus on interoperability. We’ve delivered specific developments for customers that need to communicate with colleagues within the same organisation, but using different channels such as Skype, WhatsApp and Matrix, while maintaining robust security.  Some of these developments will be finding their way into the main product line later this year.

On the industry accreditations front, we maintained and renewed our ISO27001 certification.

Future projects currently under way include work on NCSC’s Principles Based Assurance – watch this space for further announcements.

It’s going to be a busy year, and one that we are looking forward to with relish – especially now that we have posh new digs!

  • We’ve moved down river!
  • We’ve moved down river!
  • We’ve moved down river!
  • We’ve moved down river!
  • We’ve moved down river!
  • We’ve moved down river!
  • We’ve moved down river!
  • We’ve moved down river!