Cyber Incident Response Advice

Cyber Incident Response Advice

From the South East Cyber Resilience Centre

Our friends over at the South East Cyber Resilience Centre (SERCR) recently updated their Cyber Incident Response Plan template.  This document is free for organisations to use, share, adapt and build upon, so long as it is not used for commercial purposes.

The template highlights the importance of communications in the event of a cyber attack with the following statement:

During a cyber security incident either targeting your systems or directed towards an external partner/supply chain, careful consideration should be had surrounding communications capabilities.

There may be a diminished capacity for those affected partners because of the impact from the cyber security incident. Resilient communication options should be considered such as alternative phones. Internally, a successful cyber-attack can affect multiple communication methods. Intranet and internet websites alongside communication avenues such as online contact, or email communication may be lost; effectively isolating the public from accessing your services and the service from using internal communications.

It further notes that: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone and Microsoft Teams are all telecommunications systems which could be lost or compromised.

This is a topic that we cover in more detail in our recent blog:


The SECRC offers a range a membership options depending on what level of support businesses in Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire need.

The Core Membership is free and provides businesses with 50 or fewer employees, access to a range of resources and tools to help them identify their risks and vulnerabilities, as well as providing guidance on the steps they can take to increase their levels of protection.

For more information about SECRC and to download the Cyber Security Incident Plan template please visit:

  • Cyber Incident Response Advice
  • Cyber Incident Response Advice
  • Cyber Incident Response Advice
  • Cyber Incident Response Advice
  • Cyber Incident Response Advice
  • Cyber Incident Response Advice
  • Cyber Incident Response Advice
  • Cyber Incident Response Advice